Groark Learns about BULLYING (dvd)



-For grades K-3
-Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
-In both Spanish and English
-With the Popcorn Park Puppets
-Free online video streaming included!

Groark is playing with his friends when Burna and Muggsy start teasing and picking on Nubbs by stealing his hat. As the situation escalates Groark gets drawn in, and, before he realizes it, Groark is picking on his best friend. When Nubbs calls Groark a bully, Groark doesn’t understand what happened until he learns from a group of real children how he and the others were being bullies, and how hurtful that was to Nubbs. Groark returns to the playground, convinces Burna and Muggsy that they have been cruel and unfair, and together they apologize to Nubbs.

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Includes Online Video Streaming at no extra cost. Click here for details.


  • To recognize different forms of bullying behavior.
  • What is wrong with being a bully.
  • Why they should never participate in bullying behaviors.


Episode #4 in this series is about bullying. Groark is playing with his friends when Burna and Muggsy start teasing and picking on Nubbs by stealing his hat. As the situation escalates Groark gets drawn in, and, before he realizes it, Groark is picking on his best friend. When Nubbs calls Groark a bully, Groark doesn’t understand what happened until he learns from a group of real children how he and the others were being bullies, and how hurtful that was to Nubbs. Groark returns to the playground, convinces Burna and Muggsy that they have been cruel and unfair, and together they apologize to Nubbs.


Each volume in the series is approximately 28 minutes in length. A printable teaching guide is included with each video which contains discussion questions, writing assignments, and fun group learning activities that support the lesson.

Sample Video Clip from the Getting Along With Groark Series (English and Spanish):


10 1/2 minutos de vista previa en español

Purchase the complete series and SAVE or mix and match:

NameSKUProduct TypePriceBuyWishlisthf:att:pa_product-type
Popcorn Park: GETTING ALONG with GROARK - 5-Part Video Series with Printable Teaching GuidesLW-GRO-SERIES-DVD Original price was: $349.75.Current price is: $299.50.
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Popcorn Park: GETTING ALONG with GROARK - 5-Part Video Series with Printable Teaching GuidesLW-GRO-SERIES-STREAMING Original price was: $349.75.Current price is: $299.50.
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Groark Learns to CONTROL ANGER (dvd)LW-GRO-V01, $69.95
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Groark Learns to WORK OUT CONFLICTS (dvd)LW-GRO-V02, $69.95
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Groark Learns to LISTEN (dvd)LW-GRO-V03, $69.95
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Groark Learns about BULLYING (dvd)LW-GRO-V04, $69.95
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videos-dvds streaming-video
Groark Learns About PREJUDICE (dvd)LW-GRO-V05, $69.95
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videos-dvds streaming-video

Includes Online Video Streaming at no extra cost. Click here for details.

Alternatively, you can purchase this series as an online streaming-only option (no physical DVDs will be sent to you):


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