  • CHILDREN OF MILITARY FAMILIES: Military Kids Share Their Stories – Video Series

    -For Grades K-8
    -Video with Extensive Printable Workbook
    -Military Kids Share Their Stories
    -Free online video streaming included!

    In Professor Child’s Children of Military Families series, children teach others what it’s like to have a parent deployed in the military by sharing their personal stories. We hear what deployment means to them, the struggles they have faced, and how they have worked through challenging times. The authentic advice they offer will leave viewers with a sense of hope and an understanding that they are not alone in experiencing the deployment of a loved one. Each volume includes a companion workbook with numerous discussion questions and creative exercises corresponding to the film.

  • Children of Military Families: Vol. 1 The Experience and Feelings

    From: Children of Military Families – Video Series

    -For Grades K-8
    -Video with Extensive Printable Workbook
    -Military Kids Share Their Stories
    -Free online video streaming included!

    In Volume 1, The Experience and Feelings, chapters include: My Story, Deployment, We Are Unique, and The Good and The Bad.

  • Children of Military Families: Vol. 2 Ways To Cope

    From: Children of Military Families – Video Series

    -For Grades K-8
    -Video with Extensive Printable Workbook
    -Military Kids Share Their Stories
    -Free online video streaming included!

    In Volume 2, Ways To Cope, chapters include What Helps, Advice to Kids, and What I Would Change.

  • Children of Military Families: Vol. 3 Homecoming & Military Pride

    From: Children of Military Families – Video Series

    -For Grades K-8
    -Video with Extensive Printable Workbook
    -Military Kids Share Their Stories
    -Free online video streaming included!

    In Volume 3, Homecoming and Military Pride, chapters include Homecoming, Advice to Parents, If I Had a Magic Wand, What Makes You Proud, and I Am.

  • Choosing A Goal

    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide
    -Free online video streaming included!

    You can’t be committed to something unless you know what it is, but that means choosing a goal! A goal is the single most important key that we can possess to being successful. But who thinks about choosing goals and what stops us from setting them? What are the most important goals to choose and why are goals…

  • Cliques: Where Do You Fit In?

    -For Grades 5-9
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide


    Explains the nature of cliques, why they develop, how clique leadership controls members, how at best cliques help establish group identity, and how at worst they can be destructive. Demonstrates that friendships with a wide range of students are both enriching and necessary for a fully developed personality and life experience; and that by building awareness and tolerance students can avoid the down side of cliques.

  • Combating Social Isolation and Loneliness

    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide
    -Released in 2020

    When real-life connections are lost to virtual connections, social isolation and loneliness can happen. This program looks at the reasons why so many young people feel that “no one really knows them well.” Experts weigh in on…

  • Coming Out : What Every Teen (Gay and Straight) Needs to Know

    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    “Coming out”, or announcing one’s sexual orientation and identity as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), can be an uncomfortable process for everyone – faculty, straight students and of course for the LGBT students themselves. This sensitive, informative video offers revealing portraits of real LGBT kids who have come out in schools across the country, as well as their straight allies and their teachers who have dealt with this issue.

  • Common Psychological Disorders of Adolescence

    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    This reassuring video focuses on several real teens who are struggling with some of the most common psychological problems that occur in adolescence: anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and substance abuse disorder.

  • Coping With Disruptive Life Changes

    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    This program showcases the real stories of several teens who coped with major disruptions in their lives.

  • Do You Have an Eating Disorder?

    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    Teens and young adults describe their eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, purging, and compulsive exercising. The program stresses that there are warning signs to different eating disorders; that eating disorders have serious, even deadly, health consequences; and there are positive steps you should take if you or a friend are at risk.
