
    From: BIG CHANGES, BIG CHOICES Video Series

    -For grades 5-9
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Free online video streaming included!

    With the escalating climate of conflict and violence in our schools and communities, this program challenges the underlying attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that cause most of the trouble. We look at how conflicts typically develop and how fights can be avoided. Insults and other disrespectful behaviors are discouraged. Kids are urged to find ways of controlling their anger, and to realize that violence is always a choice, a very bad choice.

  • PeaceTalks: Preventing Violence

    From: PEACETALKS – Video Series

    -For grades 6-12
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Includes Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Available on DVD or Online Digital Video Streaming

    Three basic strategies for avoiding and reducing violence are presented: predicting consequences, cooling down, and walking away.

  • PeaceTalks: Resolving Conflicts

    From: PEACETALKS – Video Series

    -For grades 6-12
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Includes Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Available on DVD or Online Digital Video Streaming

    Special attention is given to techniques for avoiding conflicts including respecting the feelings of others, communicating positively with “I” messages, and learning to negotiate. Proven conflict management techniques are presented.

  • PeaceTalks: Stepping Up To Peace

    From: PEACETALKS – Video Series

    -For grades 6-12
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Includes Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Available on DVD or Online Digital Video Streaming

    This important video discusses how to break the chain of violence. It explains the character traits of a nonviolent person: courage, compassion, tolerance, and respect. Learn how to turn enemies into friends and become an advocate for peace.
