Vaping & Viruses: Your Lungs, Your Life
-For Grades 7 & Up
-DVD + Printable Teaching Guide
-Released in 2020Vaping hurts your lungs and depresses your immune system—that combo may put you at higher risk for complications from viral infections of all kinds, including Covid-19. Listen to the experts explain the problem…
Vaping, Nicotine And The Developing Brain
-For Grades 7 & Up
-DVD + Printable Teaching Guide
-Released in 2019The use of vaping devices such as JUUL has reached epidemic proportions among adolescents and even preteens. Many young people are unaware that most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical that can harm brain development…
White Hot Jobs: The Fastest Growing Jobs Today
-For Grades 9 & Up
-DVD + Printable Teaching GuideThis video and print package explores five hot job growth areas: health care, financial management, technology, the service sector, and the environment. In each sector, jobs are profiled from the entry-level through to mid-management and above to show a career path. Teen viewers will learn where the opportunities are, what education is required, and how to plan now for tomorrow’s job.
WHO WOULD YOU FIRE? – Job Skills Video
From: Who Would You Hire / Fire / Promote? – Video Series
-For High School & Adults
-Video + Printable Teaching Guide & Student ActivitiesThe business is moving and one of six employees has to be let go. Who will it be? Your students watch the six interviews and decide for themselves whom they would fire.
Who Would You Hire / Fire / Promote? – Career Skills Video Series
-For High School & Adults
-Job / Career Skills Video Series For High School & Adults
-Videos + Printable Teaching Guides & Student Activities
Three volume video series covering various school-to-work topics including tips on how to get a job, stay employed, and get promoted. Your students will watch each of the short interviews, evaluate the applicants, and discuss and evaluate what decision they feel the manager should make.
WHO WOULD YOU HIRE? – Job Skills Video
From: Who Would You Hire / Fire / Promote? – Video Series
-For High School & Adults
-Video + Printable Teaching Guide & Student Activities
-Released in 2018This video helps prepare your students to enter the job market by teaching them the dos and don’ts of interviewing and how to make a strong first impression.
From: Who Would You Hire / Fire / Promote? – Video Series
-For High School & Adults
-Video + Printable Teaching Guide & Student Activities
-Released in 2018The human resource director at Industry Direct has been assigned the task of filling the position of sales team leader. This person is responsible for the efficient operation of a sales team of 15 to 20 customer service representatives. Six candidates will be interviewed from the current sales team and your students will decide who should be promoted!
-For Grades 7 & Up
-DVD + Printable Teaching Guide
-Free online video streaming included!This outrageously humorous video teaches young people valuable lessons about how to (and how not to) interview for a job.
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