  • PeaceTalks: Dealing with Bullies, Troublemakers and Dangerous Situations

    From: PEACETALKS – Video Series

    -For grades 6-12
    -Featuring Michael Pritchard
    -Includes Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Available on DVD or Online Digital Video Streaming

    This video deals with verbal and physical harassment, bullies and gangs, what to do when you feel afraid, protecting yourself in threatening situations, how to help victims, and making our schools and neighborhoods safe.

  • Rumors, Gossip, and Teasing: It Hurts

    -For Grades 3-6
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    Rumors, Gossip, Taunting, Teasing, and Bullying are all forms of harassment. They are all intended to make someone feel bad. This video DVD presents some healthy ways of dealing with these things.

  • The Rumor Mill: How Do You Know It’s True?

    -For Grades 5-9
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    Middle schools can be rumor mills where improbable stories and outright lies are passed on from one student to another until a lie is accepted as truth and fiction as fact.

  • Violence Prevention: My Body Belongs to Me

    -For Grades K-2
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    This program is designed to help young children protect themselves from the trauma of sexual abuse by making it clear that their body belongs to them.
