  • Drowning in D’s: You Can Turn Your Grades Around

    -For Grades 7-12
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    Empowers teens at risk of failing or dropping out of school by showing them how real students around the country have gone from drowning in Ds to swimming in As and Bs. Video follows several struggling teens as they go through their academic transformations. Their compelling stories clearly detail effective strategies to enable viewers to get their grades back on track.


    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    While many teens may think that eating marijuana is an okay way to get high, it is in fact dangerous, risky and still illegal for teens in every state, even those where marijuana use is legal. This program helps teens understand the science of why the THC in edible marijuana causes unpredictable and dangerous highs. Metabolizing edible marijuana produces a…

  • Essential Physical Fitness: What Every Teen Needs to Know

    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    The benefits of physical fitness – including better overall health, protection from illness, improved mental health and a longer lifespan – are too important for teens to ignore. But many teens don’t understand exactly what “getting fit” really means or just how to improve their own level of fitness, or think that working out is just for athletes. This fast-paced program introduces teens to the core elements of fitness: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition. Expert trainers teach detailed plans that every teen can use to boost each of these elements of fitness, plus tips for fitting an exercise plan into their busy lifestyles.


    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide
    This program challenges the belief, that e-cigarettes and hookahs are risk-free, healthy alternatives to traditional cigarettes. It shows how in a typical hookah session a smoker inhales 100 times the amount of toxin-laden…


    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide
    -Released in 2018

    This program arms viewers with the most updated information on fentanyl, an opioid drug responsible for thousands of accidental overdose deaths. The program describes how fentanyl is made in dirty, illegal labs and that drug dealers often mix it with heroin and sell it to whoever is . . .

  • Finding the Perfect Job: How to Succeed in the Job Hunt

    -For Grades 7 & Up
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    This video/DVD follows teenager Bethany, as she experiences the highs and lows of her own real-life job search. Viewers learn the basics, from preparing a resume and cover letter, to scouting the help wanted ads, to job interview dos and donts, including what to wear and what to say. Advice from professionals and tips from the featured young people deliver useful information and encouragement in a teen-friendly style.

  • Flirting or Hurting? When Is It Okay, When Is It Harassment?

    -For Grades 5-9
    -DVD + Printable Teaching Guide

    Even for adults, it can be challenging to figure out what actions and words constitute flirting and what behaviors cross the boundaries into sexual harassment. For middle schoolers, who are just making their entry into a more complex social world, these distinctions are often beyond their grasp.


    From: GET ALONG MONSTERS – Video Series

    -For Grades K-4
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Free online video streaming included!

    Every day, young people face problems with friends, family, and schoolmates. This program gives kids five strategies to help them resolve the problems they face in a safe and appropriate way. Children are taught that hitting is not a way to solve a problem and that fights can be avoided when they use their words to talk about the problem. The program demonstrates how blaming someone else for the problem doesn’t resolve the problem, but asking questions can lead to a satisfactory resolution for everyone involved. The program also shows that you can have different ideas to resolve a conflict. Also, when there’s a problem that’s too difficult to solve, you can always ask a grown-up for help.


    From: GET ALONG MONSTERS – Video Series

    -For Grades K-4
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Free online video streaming included!

    In this entertaining and information-packed program, children learn that it’s okay to feel angry and that there are safe and appropriate ways to handle anger. Children learn that recognizing their angry feelings is the first step towards handling anger and that they can be in charge when they’re able to “catch” their angry feelings. Simple strategies such as giving yourself a chance to cool off, walking away from an angry situation and physical activity are all things they can do to control their angry feelings and get rid of anger. Viewers are also shown that talking about their angry feelings to a friend or grown up you trust can help to make them feel better.


    From: GET ALONG MONSTERS – Video Series

    -For Grades K-4
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Free online video streaming included!

    You’re stupid! You’re a baby! As we all know, name-calling is one of many inappropriate ways that children express themselves when they’re feeling angry or frustrated. To the child on the receiving end of name-calling, it can be a painful experience. This program focuses on the reasons for name-calling and how it affects others. Viewers also learn how to be more assertive so they can stop others from calling them names. Children who don’t have an available repertoire of social and coping skills can easily turn to violence, anger or self-harm when they face an upsetting or vulnerable situation. Conversely, when we help kids learn and develop positive social and coping skills, we provide them with alternatives that can help turn problem situations into positive outcomes.


    From: GET ALONG MONSTERS – Video Series

    -For Grades K-4
    -Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
    -Free online video streaming included!

    Making mistakes can typically cause children to feel bad about themselves and elicit feelings of anger and frustration. It’s important for students to learn to distinguish between different kinds of mistakes such as silly mistakes, mistakes that take time to fix, and mistakes that can’t be fixed. In this program, kids learn that mistakes are just a part of everyone’s life. It’s how we respond to the mistakes we make that really matters. This program, promotes the fact that mistakes happen and that a mistake can be a learning experience. In addition, children will come to understand that through hard work and practice, some mistakes can be repaired.
