WHO WOULD YOU FIRE? – Job Skills Video
From: Who Would You Hire / Fire / Promote? – Video Series
-For High School & Adults
-Video + Printable Teaching Guide & Student ActivitiesThe business is moving and one of six employees has to be let go. Who will it be? Your students watch the six interviews and decide for themselves whom they would fire.
Who Would You Hire / Fire / Promote? – Career Skills Video Series
-For High School & Adults
-Job / Career Skills Video Series For High School & Adults
-Videos + Printable Teaching Guides & Student Activities
Three volume video series covering various school-to-work topics including tips on how to get a job, stay employed, and get promoted. Your students will watch each of the short interviews, evaluate the applicants, and discuss and evaluate what decision they feel the manager should make.
WHO WOULD YOU HIRE? – Job Skills Video
From: Who Would You Hire / Fire / Promote? – Video Series
-For High School & Adults
-Video + Printable Teaching Guide & Student Activities
-Released in 2018This video helps prepare your students to enter the job market by teaching them the dos and don’ts of interviewing and how to make a strong first impression.
From: Who Would You Hire / Fire / Promote? – Video Series
-For High School & Adults
-Video + Printable Teaching Guide & Student Activities
-Released in 2018The human resource director at Industry Direct has been assigned the task of filling the position of sales team leader. This person is responsible for the efficient operation of a sales team of 15 to 20 customer service representatives. Six candidates will be interviewed from the current sales team and your students will decide who should be promoted!
You Can Choose!: SAYING NO (to smoking) (dvd)
From: YOU CAN CHOOSE! Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Featuring Michael Pritchard
-Free online video streaming included!Missie Mouse has to choose whether to say no to a friend or do something she knows is wrong. When Missie’s best friend, Rhonda, tries to pressure her into smoking cigarettes, Missie agonizes over her options before finding that there are ways to say no without ruffling Rhonda’s feathers.
From: YOU CAN CHOOSE! Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Featuring Michael Pritchard
-Free online video streaming included!Tuggy learns that being himself is a lot better than pretending to be something he’s not. When he becomes troubled by feelings of inadequacy, Tuggy starts making up stories until his friends help him to recognize and appreciate his own true wonderful qualities.
You Can Choose: ASKING FOR HELP (dvd)
From: YOU CAN CHOOSE! Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Featuring Michael Pritchard
-Free online video streaming included!Moose learns not to let pride or embarrassment get in the way of asking for help. After ruining a group science project, Moose finds that the only good way to cope with his “secret” reading problem is to get the help he needs to overcome it.
You Can Choose: BEING FRIENDS (dvd)
From: YOU CAN CHOOSE! Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Featuring Michael Pritchard
-Free online video streaming included!Being best friends isn’t always easy. Rhonda, Missie, and Fiona learn about the complex nature of friendship. When Missie is not invited to the “in” party, the three girls sort out some important issues about friendship and deal with what it means to be left out.
You Can Choose: BEING RESPONSIBLE (dvd)
From: YOU CAN CHOOSE! Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Featuring Michael Pritchard
-Free online video streaming included!Being responsible does not come easily to Rhonda Bird, especially when she must choose between having a good time and taking her responsibilities seriously. When a chance to go to Disneyland conflicts with her commitment to work on a class project, Rhonda agonizes over what to do. In the end, she makes the responsible choice, winning the respect of her friends and making her feel very good about herself.
You Can Choose: COOPERATION (dvd)
From: YOU CAN CHOOSE! Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Featuring Michael Pritchard
-Free online video streaming included!Moose learns how to work in cooperation with others. When his insistence on always having his own way causes the breakup of his singing quartet, Moose discovers the benefits of cooperating, and learns what it takes to be a cooperative animal.
From: YOU CAN CHOOSE! Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Featuring Michael Pritchard
-Free online video streaming included!Missie Mouse must learn to keep perspective and deal with disappointment in a positive way. When her baseball team falls into last place, Missie almost gives up the sport before realizing that losing is not the same thing as being a loser.