-For Grades 9 & Up
-Software with Printable Teacher’s GuideEach of the 16 young people your students will meet in this program are facing their own unique financial decisions that will impact their lives. Your students will decide if they are making the right decisions or not.
Pharm Parties: A Lethal Mix
-For Grades 7 & Up
-DVD + Printable Teaching GuideOne of the newest and most frightening trends in teen drug experimentation are so-called pharm parties, where teens gather at someone’s home, drop an array of pharmaceuticals (like Vicodin, Oxycontin or Xanax) into a bowl, then consume handfuls of this dangerous cocktail mix. This program clearly demonstrates the extreme dangers of this rapidly escalating form of prescription drug abuse.
Popcorn Park – The Six Pillars of Character: CARING
From: Popcorn Park: The Six Pillars of Character Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Produced in association with CHARACTER COUNTS!
-Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
-Available on DVD or Online Digital Video Streaming
Burna discovers (by being a “reading buddy”) the personal rewards that come from giving of yourself to help somebody else. When Burna has to make a hard choice between doing a community service project and playing soccer, she learns that caring is more about what we do than about how we feel.
Popcorn Park – The Six Pillars of Character: CITIZENSHIP
From: Popcorn Park: The Six Pillars of Character Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Produced in association with CHARACTER COUNTS!
-Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
-Available on DVD or Online Digital Video Streaming
Nubbs becomes a hero to his friends by helping them tap into their power to make an important difference in their community. When Nubbs leads his friends in a successful effort to transform an ugly vacant lot into a beautiful grove of shady trees, they all experience the satisfaction and the benefits that come from being good citizens.
Popcorn Park – The Six Pillars of Character: FAIRNESS
From: Popcorn Park: The Six Pillars of Character Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Produced in association with CHARACTER COUNTS!
-Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
-Available on DVD or Online Digital Video Streaming
Essie learns that being fair to everybody can be a lot harder than it seems. When she has to decide which of her friends will get the starring role in the annual Popcorn Park play, Essie has a lot to consider – including the not-so-fair actions of the two competitors.
Popcorn Park – The Six Pillars of Character: RESPECT
From: Popcorn Park: The Six Pillars of Character Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Produced in association with CHARACTER COUNTS!
-Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
-Available on DVD or Online Digital Video Streaming
Burna discovers that name-calling, teasing, and put-downs are not good natured fun. When her friends ostracize her for treating them disrespectfully and for bullying a new kid on the playground, Burna learns that the way to have good friendships is to treat people the way you would like them to treat you – with respect.
Popcorn Park – The Six Pillars of Character: RESPONSIBILITY
From: Popcorn Park: The Six Pillars of Character Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Produced in association with CHARACTER COUNTS!
-Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
-Available on DVD or Online Digital Video Streaming
Groark and Burna learn that being irresponsible can be unfair and hurtful to everyone, including themselves. When Burna neglects an important responsibility by dumping it on Muggsy, and Groark makes a mistake and lets Muggsy take the blame, the result is a tangle of hard feelings that nearly brings their friendships to a painful end.
Popcorn Park – The Six Pillars of Character: TRUSTWORTHINESS
From: Popcorn Park: The Six Pillars of Character Video Series
-For Grades K-5
-Produced in association with CHARACTER COUNTS!
-Video with Printable Teacher’s Guide
-Available on DVD or Online Digital Video Streaming
Groark and Muggsy learn how important honesty and trust are in building good friendships. When Muggsy tries to impress Groark by stealing an expensive birthday present for him, Groark struggles to figure out the right thing to do, and teaches Muggsy that it is better to have honest, trustworthy friends than expensive toys.
Popcorn Park: Caring 3 ft. x 5 ft. Banner
-For Grades K-5
-Aligns with the Popcorn Park Video SeriesHigh visibility 3 ft. X 5 ft. Character Education / SEL banner with built-in grommets. Sturdy vinyl lasts for years. Available as a set.